Bombus occidentalis (Western Bumble Bee)
- Class: INSECTA
- Family: APIDAE
- Genus: Bombus
- Scientific Name: Bombus occidentalis Greene, 1858
- Common Name: Western Bumble Bee
- Synonyms:
Taxonomic Name Source
No Photo Available
Species Occurrence Data From: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Agency Conservation Status
- BLM:
- IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
- Nature Serve Global: G3
- NHNM State: SNR
- NM Endemic NO
Agency Conservation Status
SGCN | NMDGF | USFWS | BLM Status | USFS | IUCN Red List |
Nature Serve Global |
NHNM State | NM Endemic |
Draft SGCN | UR | BLM WATCH | USFS R3 SCC | Vulnerable | G3 | SNR | NO |
Bombus occidentalis is a medium to large bumblebee species with a distinctive color pattern. It has a black face, a yellow thorax (except for a black band between the wings), and black abdomen with white at the tip. The species exhibits notable size variation depending on caste, with queens being the largest, followed by workers, and males being the smallest. In New Mexico, Bombus occidentalis is less common, but it plays an important role in pollinating both native plants and crops when present (Ascher and Pickering 2023).