Perdita biparticeps (Andrenid Bee)
- Class: INSECTA
- Genus: Perdita
- Scientific Name: Perdita biparticeps Cockerell, 1896
- Common Name: Andrenid Bee
- Synonyms:
Taxonomic Name Source
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). 2008. World Bee Checklist Project (version 03-Oct-2008). Integrated Taxonomic Information System: Biological Names. Online. Available:
No Photo Available
Species Occurrence Data From: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Agency Conservation Status
- BLM:
- IUCN Red List: Not Evaluated
- Nature Serve Global: GNR
- NHNM State: SNR
- NM Endemic YES
Agency Conservation Status
SGCN | NMDGF | USFWS | BLM Status | USFS | IUCN Red List |
Nature Serve Global |
NHNM State | NM Endemic |
Draft SGCN | Not Evaluated | GNR | SNR | YES |
Perdita biparticeps is a small (3 mm) bee with a very dark blue head and thorax. It has a round head, which is large compared to the small thorax. The head has lemon-yellow markings. The antenna are sepia above, yellow below, and the scape is almost completely yellow. The mesothorax and much of the face are free free from hairs, though the upper part of the cheeks have conspicuous white hairs. The legs are yellow and the anterior and middle femora and tibiae have a dark brown patch behind. The posterior femora are brown with yellow ends and an obscure yellow stripe in front, while the posterior tibiae are brown with the proximal fourth pale. The tarsi are whitish. The abdomen above is pale brown and shiny, with obscured and suffused yellow markings, primarily a patch on the disc of the first segment, and bands at bases of segments two through four, the last two of these bands are shorter and emarginate posteriorly. The ventral surface of the abdomen is dull yellow, becoming brownish toward the tip (Cockerell 1896).