Lachlania dencyanna (Gila Mayfly)
- Class: INSECTA
- Genus: Lachlania
- Scientific Name: Lachlania dencyanna Koss, 1970
- Common Name: Gila Mayfly
- Synonyms:
Taxonomic Name Source
No Photo Available
Species Occurrence Data From: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Agency Conservation Status
- BLM:
- IUCN Red List: Endangered
- Nature Serve Global: G1
- NHNM State: S2S3
- NM Endemic YES
Agency Conservation Status
SGCN | NMDGF | USFWS | BLM Status | USFS | IUCN Red List |
Nature Serve Global |
NHNM State | NM Endemic |
UR | USFS R3 SCC | Endangered | G1 | S2S3 | YES |
The Gila Mayfly can be distinguished from other known Lachlania species by the number of cross veins in the wings of adults (the number can be anywhere from 5 to 14), and by the unique mid-dorsal abdominal tubercles in the nymph. The male imago body is about 12-15mm in length, with caudal filaments from 38-43mmm in length. It is primarily light brownish, though the forewings are bright iridescent blue in live and preserved specimens, and iridescent green in specimens preserved in alcohol. Female imagos range from 11-17 mm in body length and 8-11 mm in caudal filament length. Their coloration is similar to the males. Larvae are 15-17 mm in body length and 10-12 mm in caudal filament length. General coloration ranges and can be whitish, dull green, red-brown or blackish brown (Koss and Edmunds 1970).