Ophiogomphus arizonicus (Arizona Snaketail)
- Class: INSECTA
- Order: ODONATA
- Genus: Ophiogomphus
- Scientific Name: Ophiogomphus arizonicus Kennedy, 1917
- Common Name: Arizona Snaketail
- Synonyms:
Taxonomic Name Source
Species Occurrence Data From: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Agency Conservation Status
- BLM:
- IUCN Red List: Least Concern
- Nature Serve Global: G2
- NHNM State: SNR
- NM Endemic NO
Agency Conservation Status
SGCN | NMDGF | USFWS | BLM Status | USFS | IUCN Red List |
Nature Serve Global |
NHNM State | NM Endemic |
Least Concern | G2 | SNR | NO |
This a fairly large dragonfly. The thorax is lime green except for reduced black shoulder stripes. The abdomen is mostly dark with greenish-yellow lengthwise stripes along the dorsal surface. The larva is flat and brown with an oval abdomen. Ophiogomphus arizonicus is similar to O. severus, though it can be distinguished by the male epiproct, which is only half the length of the cerci in O. arizonicus and three quarters the length in O. severus. In addition, female O. arizonicus has a straight post-ocellar ridge on the vertex, while the ocellar ridge in O. severus is strongly undulate. Lastly the larva has higher dorsal abdominal spines than O. severus (HAZ 2024).